Colorwheel Painting

Marketing Agency for Painters

Why do painters need a top-of-the-line marketing agency? Hmm, let’s answer your question with another question: Why do homeowners need a professional painter? Bear with us for a moment. Not all painters are created equal. And sometimes the least equal of all are the do-it-yourselfers who are in so far over their heads they end up wasting all of their free time and owing a bunch of favors, yet STILL spend the same amount of money that hiring a professional would have cost. Oh, but the result is mediocre with a bunch of little paint drips there to remind you of your failure forever.

Radio advertising will flood your painting company’s bank account!

A professional is always the best route. Same as what iNET’s Creative Genius (and enormous buying power) did for Colorwheel Painting, your painting company can be next in line to get far more business. Our promise is to get you maximum airtime, paired with brilliantly entertaining ads which resonate with the most lucrative of listeners. You have a company…now let iNET Marketing help you flood your company’s bank account. Quit delaying and set off on the path of PROFITability today.

Contact iNET’s creative team today for radio production and placement.

Profit-generating website design & marketing for hundreds of successful Milwaukee & Madison businesses.

iNET has your back with to-the-point service. We don't offer IT services; we offer IT solutions.

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